Pare che il noto store online, Amazon, abbia svelato in anticipo la versione Playstation 4 di Dissidia Final Fantasy, attualmente disponibile in Giappone solo per i cabinati arcade giapponesi.
Come visibile al seguente link, possiamo apprendere già diverse informazioni, tra cui la conferma di Noctis tra i personaggi giocabili e una modalità storia scritta da Kazushige Nojima in persona (sceneggiatore anche di Final Fantasy VII Remake, FFXV e FFX).
- dissidia final fantasy playstation 4
Il gioco sia chiamerà Dissidia Final Fantasy NT e sarà disponibile su Playstation 4 nei primi mesi del 2018
About the product
Final Fantasy, everything you could ever want – Over 20 playable Final Fantasy heroes and villains to play, over ten iconic battle arenas, legendary summons, tons of equippable weapons and moogles
The return from Eos – Noctis makes his triumphant return to the PS4 as a combatant, fighting to save the world of Dissidia
Legendary narrative – Dive into an all-new Final Fantasy story, written by writer Kazushige Nojima (Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts II)
Your fantasy. Your fight – Each battle you wage, you will gain XP and gil to deepen the customization of your Final Fantasy champion – from EX skills to weapons to skins, level up
Only the brave survive – The bravery combat system allows a much deeper and more methodical approach to the fighting game genre, separating luck from skill
Product description
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT introduces squad-based battle gameplay by allowing you to wage war with over 20 of your favorite Final Fantasy characters. Combining unparalleled visuals, seamless gameplay, and your favorite characters from the past 30 years of the franchise, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT welcomes all gamers with 3 vs. 3 battles and the series renowned “bravery combat system”. While aiming for supremacy, call forth familiar summons like Ifrit, Shiva, and Odin to aid you and your party! Square Enix is collaborating with Team Ninja, one of the world’s leading developers in the fighting game genre, to bring Dissidia Final Fantasy NT to life.
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